Under California law, pregnant employees may be entitled to take up to seven (7) months of leave due to disabilities and serious health conditions caused by pregnancy.
First, under California pregnancy disability leave law (PDLL), employees are entitled to up to four (4) months of leave for disabilities on account of pregnancy (e.g., severe morning sickness and prenatal care), childbirth or related medical conditions. Second, under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), employees may take up to 12 additional weeks of leave for serious health conditions after leave under the PDLL has been exhausted and/or to care for and bond with their babies.
Typically, upon return from pregnancy leave, an employee is entitled to be reinstated to her former position.
Finally, fathers are entitled to take up to 12 weeks of leave for the birth of a child.
If you believe that your employer discriminated against you because you were pregnant or denied or interfered with your right to take pregnancy leave, please contact the Law Offices of David S. Levy for a free initial consultation. We typically represent clients in employment matters on a contingent fee basis, which means that our clients do not pay attorney fees or costs unless and until there is a recovery.